How to Accelerate Your Personal Growth as a Software Developer

How to Accelerate Your Personal Growth as a Software Developer

How to continuously grow and stay motivated as a software engineer

No matter your level as a software developer, there must have been times when you've had doubts about your personal growth. You are definitely not alone in this.

Sometimes It's like you're moving towards your goals, but the process seems too slow.

Software development generally involves more than just showing up and engaging in leveling up. Some practical actions can significantly boost and expedite your personal growth.

Regardless of your talent and technical skills, the following five actions can help in your personal development as a software developer.

1. Put Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone.


Stepping outside your comfort zone puts you in a vulnerable position.

It's where you need to exercise your resourcefulness to figure out how something works. While keeping the primary objective in mind.

For example, if you take on tasks that other engineers in your team are less inclined to pick up.

And then you eventually figure out and solve these problems. You contribute to both growing yourself and the company at large.

Putting yourself in scenarios like this can hugely impact your personal development, making you a valuable member of any technical team.

2. Get a Mentor


No matter your area of expertise, having a mentor is always a massive plus.

With their experience and contextual knowledge, good mentors have a birds-eye view of your career.

And they can provide the direction you need to succeed.

A software developer faced with a problem can usually find the solutions explained in a blog post or two.

But nothing comes close to someone with knowledge and experience showing you the inner workings of specific issues within the context of your projects.

Having a mentor not only motivates and inspires you. It enhances your personal growth ten folds.

3. Learn How to Learn.


According to research, learning new things is good for the brain.

Several studies have also shown that practicing a new skill increases the density of the white matter in the brain.

Which helps with improving performance on several tasks.

There are various techniques to pick up new skills. There's the spaced repetition, and several other methods.

But the most important thing is finding the one that works best for you.

Learning something new is one thing no one can take away from you.

Especially as a software developer.

The more you know, the more you grow and become more valuable.

But branching out to pick up other interests outside your domain makes the whole growth experience much faster.

4. Ask Lots of Questions.


Most times, your job as an entry-level software developer will always be to validate the skills that got you the job.

You are primarily assigned tasks and expected to deliver them accurately and in time.

Meeting these expectations and having stellar reviews can trick you into believing that you need to keep doing that to get to the next level.

But there's nothing farther from the truth.

Meeting expectations is not the same as performing at the next level.

In 99% of the cases, you already need to perform at the next level to get promoted to that level.

And that's where your personal growth helps you stand out.

What brings about this growth will be how curious you get and the quality of questions you ask.

"Why is this feature this way ?" "Why is this architecture designed this way ?" "How can we improve it ?".

Your ability to grow personally depends significantly on your curiosity, regardless of your skill as a software developer.

Curiosity leads to ownership, which then leads to accountability.

These two qualities are key leadership traits and can help anyone attain incredible heights in their career.

So if you want to quickly move to the next level as a software developer, ask more quality questions.

5. Collaborate With Other Software Developers

brooke-cagle--uHVRvDr7pg-unsplash.jpg Collaborating with other engineers is an incredible way to accelerate your personal and career growth as a software developer.

But many developers fail to realize this because of their insecurities.

They usually want to work independently and figure out things their way.

While this is an excellent skill to have as a software developer, it also has its downsides.

When you work all by yourself, you have only your perspective to work with.

And for the most part, that can be significantly limiting depending on what projects you are working on.

A more growth projected approach will be to be open to working with others. Especially with those from different backgrounds.

This exposes you to see things from different perspectives.Collaboration is very critical to personal growth.

And you can learn so much from working with others, and vice-versa.

So always opt to work on cross-team projects.

Target those ones that are open source, and can potentially put you out of your comfort zone.

This is how you enhance your personal growth.

Key Take-away

An authentic culture of personal development cannot exist without something that only you have.

As a software developer, the things mentioned in this article put you in an excellent position to foster your personal growth.

One that people can see the value you carry without looking far.

While there is no one way to do this, It's up to you to find that special something that'll always work for you.